November 30, 2021


Senior Photos

You probably can't tell, but it was FREEZING cold during this senior shoot. Kudos to Camden for posing for so many photos in just a t-shirt! There were a few things I loved about this shoot: First, all of the colors and textures on that alley wall/garage/door. If you were walking by, you'd probably just notice how dirty that area looks, but it was a photographers dream and I love how cool it looks in the finished product! Though I did tell Camden he may want to bathe in hand sanitizer later.....:). Second, it was a first for me to photograph someone doing wheelies and it was so fun! We did it in about 4 takes (just to make sure we got something good), but I'm pretty sure Camden didn't mind. Third, I loved all the different brick walls we photographed with. It definitely gave the photos some variety. I for sure will be going back to this area for future shoots! Lastly, Camden was so easy to work with and willing to try so many different poses. He did so great! Here are a few of my favorites: